With so many tools hitting the market these days, how do you evaluate which ones really are worth the hype? Whether it’s selecting and deploying a new LMS (Learning Management System) or the purchase of employee performance support software, our experience working with clients who utilize different learning platforms has enabled us to compile some must have’s for the process of evaluating emerging learning technologies.
The first step in the process may seem like it naturally belongs, but serious analysis is sometimes neglected: Your organization has encountered a problem and is seeking a technological solution. Whatever the problem, the need should match the associated investment. During your analysis phase, it can be helpful to create a checklist or a rubric that has all of your desired technical requirements.
A working checklist makes the next step in the process, evaluation, much easier. If you did your due diligence in the analysis phase, when you start to evaluate new technologies you have an easy point of reference to check (or not) whether the new technologies you are evaluating meet your desired criteria. After you have evaluated the options, select your top two or three from the results you compiled in order to do further research or answer any outstanding questions with a vendor. You might also want to factor in some of the S’s if you haven’t already done so during this phase – is it suitable for your organization? Can it be scaled? And, will it be sustainable?
Last, just because tools are sold now on being easy to implement and intuitive doesn’t mean that their implementation shouldn’t coincide with a strategic plan that addresses key questions: Did we allow time for team members to develop new competencies? Are appropriate resources in place for both developers and users of the new tool? Is an appropriate feedback loop in place to evaluate the ways the new tool is being used so that adjustments can be made where needed?
Wherever you are in the process of evaluating emerging learning technologies, we can help you assess and implement the most effective system for your company. Contact us today!
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