I had such a blast at JD Edwards InFocus in Denver last week! What a great experience it was to meet so many of our current and potentially future customers! I spent a lot of time learning about different training needs and talking with customers about how our training services can help maximize their investment with JD Edwards.
One of the things that gets people the most excited when they talk with us is hearing about our EOne Academy. This innovative and granular solution fills the gaps in core team training. We are always adding new content, updating quiz questions, and uploading additional resources. Customers were thrilled to find out that we assign a personal learning adviser that creates custom learning paths to help make the learning process effective and efficient.
I also loved talking with customers about how we can partner in other ways in addition to our EOne Academy. We are increasingly known for providing video learning, but we also offer live instructor led training and can help with everything from your LMS selection and deployment, to custom UPK development, to customized packaged upgrades solutions. We have a passion for teaching and training at iLearnERP and while we love working with our clients, we want to set them up to be confident, self-sufficient users so that after our job is done you can do yours without us!
While at InFocus, I sat in on the Training SIG (Special Interest Group) to learn about current training issues companies are exploring today. Some training needs we discussed were the lack of available technical training, how to best use documentation and everyone’s favorite: what to do with UPKs?!?
One of my favorite parts of the conference was attending our collaborative presentation with Ariel Ross from Colas entitled,’ UPK for Modern Day – A Case Study of Successful UPK Strategies Post Go-Live.’ Ariel Ross shared a little bit about their process of UPK development at Colas and what they learned from trying to undertake the project themselves, to hiring another vender, to when they hired us and what the process looks like for them now. These are just some of the facets of UPK development that often get passed over, but can make all the difference in a successful UPK strategy.
I can’t wait to do it all again next year at InFocus 2016!
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