Getting new employees up to speed and keeping current employees engaged in learning new skill sets can soak up a lot of time, energy and resources. The EOne Academy™ provides a helpful platform for companies to save on JDE training travel and education costs, and offers video learning that can be accessed anytime and “just-in-time.” Though new technologies can be intimidating, a simplified learning experience using the latest technologies enhances the learning experience of our subscribers. Learners can view videos, tutorials, activity guides and white pages, taking ownership of their learning at the moment they need it with a quick click.
Self-directed, on-line learning doesn’t mean the absence of clear goals or direction. Our Learning Advisers can partner with individuals, or entire companies, to help create customized learning paths and set achievable goals. In the EOne Academy™ learners also have access to dashboards that will help them chart their progress and verify their certifications for their employers. Learners can also return to any of the content they have covered to review their new skills, or access a new skill immediately with the identification of a knowledge gap. This keeps learners always active in the process, rather than waiting to receive training from a traditional classroom or on-site instructor weeks, or even months later and at a higher cost. At iLearnERP, a Learning Adviser is available 24/7, making the learning experience a collaborative one. In addition to traditional contact, learners can also hop on our live, weekly webinars to ask questions and talk with other learners, giving them the JDE Training they need just-in-time!