Summer is really heating up and so are the JD Edwards events!
Q3 PackerLand User Group Meeting – The next Q3 PackerLand meeting is on July 10th! This meeting is in Appleton, Wisconsin. The event will start at the Fox Valley Tech Bordini Center at 7:30am with a light breakfast. The meeting will begin at 8:00am sharp as it is a jam-packed morning. Reminder… your attendance IS mandatory at the morning presentations in order to attend the Timber Rattler game in the afternoon so plan to arrive before 8:00am. We are the food and beverage sponsor for this event and hope to see you there! Click here to register.
Learn it Live – JDE Navigation – During this live session for EOne Academy subscribers on July 11th, from 9:00 – 10:00 AM MST attendees will receive introductions to functionality of the JDE EOne Home Page and inside a typical application. Application demos include: Overview of various parts of an application window (Toolbar, Header, Grid and QBE Line), searching for records, customizing a grid, exporting grid data to MS Excel and creating a customized query for repeated use. Contact us for more information.
ReportsNow DAS Live Webinars – Every month we offer 10 hours of live webinar training to our DAS University subscribers and during the month of July these webinars are during the 15th – 18th. These webinars begin with Basics, progress through Advanced topics and conclude with a Feature Deep Dive that is unique each month. Interested in a subscription so you can join as well as gain access to all the learning in DAS University? Contact us.
Q3 Southern California Users Group Meeting – Join us for the Q3 2024 SCUG Meeting on July 17th. The meeting will be held at Kingston Technology in building “B” on their campus. Due to security requirements at Kingston Technology, please register at least a week in advance so your on-site badge can be created, expediting your on-site registration process. This session will provide updates from Blueprint4D and eight educational sessions from our JDE Partners, including a session on Orchestrator from our very own Todd Nelson. Click here to register.
Learn it Live – Order Activity Rules – During this live session for EOne Academy subscribers on July 25th, from 9:00 – 10:00 AM MST we take Order Activity Rules and Status Codes to a basic level, first through definitions and then establish a relationship between the two. We will show how OARs are process-driven rules, with each step in the process defined and labeled by a specific status code or type. You will see examples from Finance, Distribution and Manufacturing to emphasize the interactive nature of these rules and codes. Contact us for more information.
Learn it Live – JDE Navigation – During this live session for EOne Academy subscribers on August 8th, from 9:00 – 10:00 AM MST attendees will receive introductions to functionality of the JDE EOne Home Page and inside a typical application. Application demos include: Overview of various parts of an application window (Toolbar, Header, Grid and QBE Line), searching for records, customizing a grid, exporting grid data to MS Excel and creating a customized query for repeated use. Contact us for more information.
Southeast Regional Users Group Meeting – The Atlanta Event for the SERUG will be held at Maggiano’s Little Italy on 3368 Peach Tree Rd, in Atlanta on August 27th. Come and learn, network and enjoy great food! Click here to register.
Learn it Live – Orchestrations and UDOs in Release 24 – During this live session for EOne Academy subscribers on August 22nd, from 9:00 – 10:00 AM MST we will discuss the Release 24 enhancements and the application of some of the features between the Orchestrator and UDOs. We will share how these are becoming integrated into daily activities and how you can dive into learning these new features. Contact us for more information.
Houston Regional Users Group Q3 Meeting – Last but not least, save the date for the Q3 HUG meeting on August 29th! More details for this event are coming soon. Click here for updates.